Looking For a Javascript framework?? Javascript and HTML have been used for creating web applications but it not fulfill the attractive looks of the apps. For interactive Apps, it’s better to build an application with a Javascript framework.
Why Javascript framework?
Firstly application was created with the HTML along with Jquery, but it creates confusion that the developer can not concentrate on work. So the use of the Javascript framework gives interactive looks and code understanding better. And it is best to develop a single-page application with the Javascript framework.
Currently, so many Javascript frameworks are available for apps development in which several frameworks are most famous that mentioned here.
Google Trend Comparison Graph Of Top Javascript Framework

Above Google trend graph, displaying a comparison of the top 5 frameworks by that you can analysis, which are the most popular framework in 2021. In a graph, one of the best frameworks is react.js that top of the comparison of the other frameworks.
Popular Javascript Framework List
1. AngularJS
Latest Version: AngularJS 2.0
Latest Version: AngularJS 2.0
Type: Javascript WebApplication Framework
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development

Angularjs that are provided by Google. It is an open-source and MVC Javascript framework that simplifies web development by offering automatic view and model synchronization. It is a new, powerful, client-side technology that offers a very neat MVC structure that embraces and extends HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
HTML is best to create static web apps but it is not able to create a dynamic application, so to approach this Angularjs has been used. The use of Angular’s data binding and dependency injection helps to code writing. It is not a single piece to build a client-side application because it handles DOM and ajax glue code that has already been defined and arranged in a good structure.
Angular js goal is to purify both the development and the testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side model–view–controller (MVC) and model–view–view model (MVVM) architectures, along with components usually used in rich Internet applications.
Two-Way Data Binding – js variables are bound to your input element controls in HTML or other attributes of many other elements and you can add watchers to variables in your models, all these done by Angular.js
Angular has some special functionality for common work such as AJAX and single-page applications and it adds code more perfectly that does not create complexity and confusion.
AngularJS is 100% Javascript, 100% client-side, and compatible with both desktop and mobile browser's MVC framework.
2. React.js
Latest Version: ReactJS.NET 17.0
Type: Open Source Javascript Library for application development
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development
Type: Open Source Javascript Library for application development
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development

React is a popular Javascript framework in 2022, which is the collection of a library for creating user interfaces by Facebook and Instagram. React is smart to ‘refresh’ because it automatically refreshes when new data is available.
Angular is a library for complex user interfaces and is mostly used in V and MVC frameworks. It gives importance to UI components that present data change over time.
Nowadays, an application creates with HTML directives or templates, and these templates full set of abstractions that allow building your user interface. But when we talk about to react, it uses a full-featured programming language to readers views and it approaches user interfaces differently by breaking them into components.
React.js virtual DOM that can be used both ways either client-side or server-side
Why Use React.js?
- Best with creating complex and large size application
- Refreshes automatically when data changes
- Easier to extend and maintain
React allows you to build small, reusable components that encompass the template and the Javascript logic behind them.
3. Vue.js
Latest Version: Vue.js 1.0.24
Type: Javascript Application Framework
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development
Type: Javascript Application Framework
Javascript Framework For Frontend Development

Vue.js is a Javascript library that helps to interactive web interfaces application that MVVM framework pattern. The main goal of Vue.js is to provide benefits of reactive data binding and composable view components with an API that is as simple as possible. Its primary focus is on the view layer only, so it’s easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects.
Vue.js best to develop single page application.
Building large-scale apps with Vue.js is also the best idea because it has the best collection of a library that designed to be focused and flexible.
Vue.js is popular because it has a components system that allows us to build large-scale applications composed of small, self-contained, and often reusable components.
In Vue.js, view the model that is created using the Vue class. if you are wondering about what is view model then it displays your data inside a view
4. Aurelia.js
Latest Version: Aurelia 1.1.4
Type: Mobile, Desktop and Web Application Javascript Framework
Javascript Framework For Front-end Development
Type: Mobile, Desktop and Web Application Javascript Framework
Javascript Framework For Front-end Development

Aurelia.js is a Javascript client framework for mobile, desktop, and web leveraging simple conventions and empowering creativity. Aurelia.js that created by Rob Eisenberg and the team and is an open-source framework.
Aurelia.js has two-way data binding to any object. With its flexible techniques select the most efficient way to look at each property in your model and automatically synchronization your user interface.
- Aurelia is composed of smaller, focused modules and the capability to use them together as a full-featured framework or pick and choose to build a custom solution, so it has the ability of modern architecture to create apps.
- It has custom extensible HTML that compiler create custom HTML elements and add custom elements to existing elements and control template generation
- Aurelia.js have the capability to routing & UI composition
5. Babylon.js
Latest Version: Babylon 2.3.0
Type: 3d Game Development Framework
Type: 3d Game Development Framework

You are looking for the best video game creation?? Babylon is a Javascript framework for Video games. It offers developers an ideal approach for crafting feature-rich WebGL creations from animated logos and fully 3d design.
Babylon was firstly introduced next to Internet explorer. First official support for the WebGL API. You can create a high-quality video game with this.